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A Comparison: Shopify vs. WooCommerce

What Each eCommerce Platform Provides to the Small Business Shopify and WooCommerce are both eCommerce platforms that are used to create smaller online stores for those businesses looking to expand to an online market. Both of these interfaces are popular and well-known throughout the online market, which is why many business owners look towards using … Read more

Why You Should Be Compliant With CASL Law

The Canadian Anti Spam Law went into effect in 2004 and it is unfortunate that there are some companies that are yet to comply. The CALS law is meant to protect Canadian citizens while at the same time ensuring the businesses can compete on a global case. There were new changes that were supposed to … Read more

SSL FOR DUMMIES: The Importance of Getting a Secure Sockets Layer Certificate

Is an SSL certificate necessary for your website? The short answer: Absolutely! This article will give you all the details about SSL certificates, their importance, and the consequences of not having one. Currently, Google strongly encourages having an SSL certificate by continuing to list this as a ranking factor and by giving users a warning … Read more

The Ultimate Guide to a Modern Business Website

Any business that is serious about their online growth needs to have a well designed website. Since the cost of operating and maintaining a website has decreased significantly in the past few years, there is no reason your business shouldn’t be investing in an online presence. With a properly optimized website, even the smallest local … Read more

Beginner Steps to Creating a Business Logo

Creating a business logo doesn’t just happen, or at least, it shouldn’t happen overnight. If you want your brand to resonate with potential customers, your logo needs to be well-researched and well-designed. So, where do you get started? Learn the beginner steps to creating a business logo that connects with your specific niche. Define Your … Read more

How Web Design Affects Conversions

If you think web design is strictly about the aesthetics of a website, you are mistaken. Web design goes beyond making your blog look pretty with matching colour schemes and cute typography. In the right hands, it becomes a useful tool for achieving set business objectives. You don’t want the design of your website to … Read more